Our first week at home went pretty smoothly. You are a bit fussy when you eat but other then that you have been easy.
Don't worry we just put you next to B for a quick picture. We didn't let you sleep this close to the edge of the couch. The day you came home Brox wouldn't nap in his bed. I think he thought he was going to miss out on something with you!
My two babies sound asleep.
He also loves pretending he is a baby:)
Meeting your oldest brother Clyde. He is not sure what to think about you and freaks out every time you cry.
Striking a pose.
You were not to sure about tummy time but eventually got used to it.
Miss prissy with her mosquito net. The week we brought you home we had 80 degree weather in the middle of summer and took full advantage of it!
Big brother playing outside
Your first bath. You love it!
Celebrating your 1 week birthday at the park!
Love the sign!
Hair bow gone wrong! Pirate baby!

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