For the past 2 and half years I have been writing to your big brother and documenting all of our wonderful memories with him. Now it is is time to start writing to both of you.
First I will start out by saying you have the best big brother a gal could ask for! He is so excited for you to arrive and gives you hugs and kisses in my tummy everyday.
Below is a quick recap of our journey so far with you....
-Found out we were pregnant with you in November 2014. We had been trying for a few months and when a test finally came back positive I ran into the room crying and me Daddy and Brox all hugged and talked about our new growing family
-Found out you were a girl in February 2014. You were stubborn and didn't cooperate on our first try so we had to go back for another sonogram before they could tell that you were for sure a girl. When we found out we posted and texted the below pic that we had taken a few weeks prior and brought home huge pink balloons and a pink sucker for Brox.
In early June your Yaya hosted a luncheon to celebrate you. It was at my favorite restaurant in town, The Wildflower Cafe. You got tons of clothes and goodies.
In mid June at 36 weeks pregnant I finally decided to take a belly pic in case you want to see it one day.
In late June my closets girlfriends hosted a sprinkle for you. We have been friends since kindergarten and have over 25 years of friendship. I hope and pray that you have lifelong girlfriends just like me. It is so important to have that core group of childhood friends that you can turn to for anything and pick up right where you left off even if you go months between talking. Love these ladies!
Your nursery is ready, carseat installed, bags packed. Now we just wait for your debut!

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