I was trying to stay calm but all I kept thinking about was how we waisted this last precious summer day together.
A few hours into it Lowe had to pee, like really bad, so I made Brox climb in the back to see what we could find for her. We got her stripped down and ready to pee in a farmers market reusable bag. Of course she got stage fright and couldn't go and about that time traffic starts to slowly move and we pass a police officer with a naked kid in the back out of a carseat. So embarrassing.
They finally got us off the highway and at that point we just drove back to Ennis. I offered to take you guys to the park, to Sonic, anywhere y'all wanted to go but the only thing you asked for was an ice-cream sandwich at Wal-Mart.
We walk into Wal-Mart (me and Lowe trying not to pee our pants) and the bathroom is closed for cleaning. Ahhh! We start walking to the family bathroom in the very back of the store and little Lowe looks up and says "mom, are you having a hard time with life today."
On our way out we stop at redbox for a movie and you guys picked the Star (yes a nativity movie in the middle of August) because when we saw it in theatre last year Lowe threw up in the middle of it and we had to leave.
Once we got home we rode bikes, watched a Christmas movie, and had "wine" and cheese. You guys were soo happy! You didn't need a big fancy outing, you just wanted to be together. I love love love this about both of you and strive to stop trying to make everything so perfect and just enjoy. I even managed to still enjoy after Lowe spilled my drink all over the cheese board :)
I love you guys so much and although I will miss summer it is going to be a great school year!

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