The whole family did a mini stay-cation in Dallas for the Children's Parade downtown.
We stayed at the Adolphus, celebrated Braden's birthday, walked around downtown, ate at Campisi's and enjoyed the parade the next morning. Such a great weekend with family!
Just hanging out in the hotel room. I think the kids would have been totally fine never leaving the hotel. Such fun new territory to explore!
We found a playground downtown and the kiddos had a blast. They thought they were big stuff getting to run around Dallas.
Dinner at Campisi's with the birthday boy!
Our hotel
Watching the dancers rehearse before the parade. Me and B walked around for a bit in the morning before we met the group. It was so nice to have some one on one time.
Snoozing before the parade until the marching band stopped right in front of us
This chic refuses to wear socks or shoes. At least it wasn't super cold!
The whole crew. Blessed beyond words to have such an awesome family to share these memories with.

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