Polka Fest 2014 was a hit! Well at least until you came down with the tummy bug:(
You still got to participate in the dance Friday night, the parade on Saturday and lunch/dancing at the hall and the polka mass. You have a new found love for the accordion and spent your time at the halls standing right by the stage watching the accordion player. When you play the accordion for us at home you start out by saying "y'all ready? Everybody ready?" So funny!
Ready for the dance contest on Friday night!
Being silly with mommy.
Waiting patiently for the parade to start.
Fun with your cousins!
Chowing down on a kolache
Dinner at Don Jose's. This is where it all went downhill. You started running fever at the restaurant and threw up when we got home. We spent the next two days cuddling you and getting you healthy again. This mommy is definitely not complaining about the extra cuddles:)
Resting on the couch but you still wanted your accordian.

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