This weekend the weather was nice and we knew we wanted to take advantage of your Daddy having weekends off right now. We decided to check out the new Klyde Warren Park and take you on your first trolley ride. The park exceeded our expectations. I have been driving by it for almost a year while it was under construction and thought it was just going to be some grass between downtown and uptown but it truly is a place where all types of people can come together. There were families, older guys playing catch, dogs, people dressed up on their way to go out on the town etc. It was so refreshing to see so many types of people old and young and of all races enjoying the space.
You had a blast walking around and following every dog you saw. We ended the afternoon with a trolley ride to uptown for dinner at Primos where you befriended the old guys at the table next to us. You never meet a stranger. Cheers to another great weekend of memories with you!
Walking hand in hand with Daddy. I will always cherish this picture.
Checking out the water feature. I cannot believe you stood so calmly next to it and did not run through it.
Waiting for Daddy to get out of the potty. Mommy never misses a photo-op
Playing with the bark on the tree in the kid section of the park.
First trolley ride. You were so fascinated to be in a moving vehicle not strapped into a backwards car-seat.
Dinner and drinks at Primos. I love how you just mesh with our lifestyle. You go with the flow and enjoy trying new things with us. Love you B!

Oh ashley, what beautiful photos and beautiful memories!