I am not one to write a ton on this blog or document your every move but I figure your first birthday is a great opportunity for me to go all "crazy mom blogger" and document your every move of the day. I promise I will not do this again!
Slept in until 8:00 then headed straight to the booster seat for breakfast. Breakfast for you consists of yogurt, whole wheat oatmeal, raspberries, cheerios and milk. The cheerios are more to keep you entertained while I clean up your dishes and under your chair.
A little playtime with your alphabet train "m is for monkey m m m"
You love crawling between your glider and crib and messing with the cords from your sound machine. Not sure why its so entertaining to you but you could stay back there for an hour if I would let you.
Off to your new found love of unrolling the toilet paper. Its probably a bad idea but I let you do it because it keeps you busy while I do my makeup.
Shutting the door to your room to lock me out. Not very nice!
Finally dressed for the day and posing by your gift from me and daddy.
Just working on your tools before your friend Hadlin arrives.
Time for a play date and opening gifts with Hadlin. She got you some adorable books and super cute green Pumas.After your play date you had lunch then a nap and a snack before we headed to the aquarium.
Heading into the Dallas World Aquarium. The zoo a few months ago was a major failure but we all enjoyed this experience. It was empty so you were able to get close enough to see all the fish and animals and had room to get out of your stroller and explore.
You look bored but I promise you enjoyed it!
Checking things out with Daddy.
You got up and personal with the Cheetah. Good thing it didn't wake up and start moving.
Making the "fishy face" to all the fish you saw.
The tunnel was your favorite part. We probably could have stayed in this room for hours.
After the Aquarium we headed home for another quick nap then went to The Purple Cow for dinner. The drive there was a nightmare because you were starving and I sat in the back to feed you cheerios and got so carsick. We made it there and you were in a fine mood as soon as got out of the car.
A little coloring before your meal came out.
Loving the chocolate shake.
The waiters brought you purple ice cream and sang happy birthday to you.You definitely have my sweet tooth. You screamed when we stopped feeding you ice cream so we had to leave to distract you.
Ready to open your last birthday gift. We got you wood stacking bowls which you like to throw instead of stack and a leather bib for when we take you out to dinner.
After gifts it was time for bath, a little more playtime then bedtime. Your bedtime routine consists of a bottle around 8:00 play time until 8:30 then we walk you into your room, say your prayers and lay you in your crib.
I would say it was a very successful day overall (minus the melt down on the way to dinner). I love creating these fun memories and traditions with you.

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