What a fabulous first Mothers Day. I took you to church Saturday night and got so emotional when they asked all the mothers to stand up and the congregation clapped. Holding you in my arms even though you were squirmy and my arms were about to give out was such an amazing feeling. Everyone was right when they said there is no way to describe the feeling of motherhood and they are absolutely right. Words cannot express the amazing joy I feel when I look at you and think about how blessed our family is. We are surrounded by amazing mothers and role models. I think about my mom (Nana) and how all the values she instilled in me will be passed along to you. Thank you mom for raising me and helping prepare me to raise little Brox! I also think about your Dad's mom (Yaya) and what a great man she raised and all the wonderful qualities he will pass onto you.
On Sunday you and I went to Nana's house for lunch with the family. When we got back to Dallas Dad cooked out for us. It rained and Clyde tried to steal our food off the grill but overall we had a great day just spending time together and enjoying our family!

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