You weigh 17 lbs 15.5 oz and are in the 95th percentile.
You are 26 inches long (2 inches in 2 months!) and are in the 90th percentile.
The pediatrician didn't fasten your diaper correctly when he dressed you so you had an accident and peed all over yourself and the table. We had a change of clothes in the car so we walked you out of the building in only a diaper. Luckily it was warm out!
Happy, healthy, giant 4 month old boy.
After your appointment your Dad and I took you to daycare and noticed that your crib had been moved from the back of the room by the outdoor windows to the front of the room by the hallway windows. Your teacher told us it was a huge compliment and they put the best babies that don't cry in the cribs by the front windows. We noticed one of your poor little friends that is always upset was wayyy in the back of the room:) We like to say that you are the valedictorian of the infant room.

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