The last twelve weeks have flown by! I cannot believe it is already time to go back to work and take you to daycare full-time. I have enjoyed every second of my maternity leave with you and took great advice from so many working moms that told me the anticipation of going back is the worst part. I know we made the best decision for you and our family and you are in great hands at your daycare where you will eventually learn so much from the other kids and your teachers. This morning actually went really well, probably because dad had drop off duty. He did call to tell me it was a lot harder then he thought it would be. The work day isn't over yet but the amazing girls I work with and sweet messages from friends and family have made it so much easier. I am soo excited about coming to pick you up I can hardly stand it!
Gazing out the window thinking about what you will do in school today
I noticed some of the babies had family pictures hanging in their cribs so I made this for you to take to school
Ready to ride
Daddy sent me this text and picture when he went to check on you today. "Hi mom. I'm doing great. Just woke up and am in my chair. Love you." Seeing this smile was so reassuring.

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