The best part about your first Christmas is that your Dad was actually off of work for the first time in about five years. On Christmas Eve Eve we carried out our tradition of baking sugar cookies with Braden and Mckinley. On Christmas Eve we went to aunt Belinda's and had yet another wardrobe debacle when we went to put on your special Christmas pj's. They were way to small and I almost couldn't fit your head through the shirt. I finally got them on you and was scared we would have to cut you out of them so we let you wear your pj's all day on Christmas (even to church).
Baking Cookies on Christmas Eve Eve
Family pics on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve at the Crow's
Coming down the hall to see what Santa brought
Christmas Day at Nana's
Christmas Day at grandpa Jame's
Tuckered out at the end of the day

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